What is Miley's date of birth? opzoeken 23-11-199210-04-199223-08-199510-07-1995 Does miley bite on her nails? opzoeken Yesno With who likes Miley to have a sleepover? opzoeken Kelly ClarksonEmily OsmentTaylor SwiftHilary Duff How did she became famous? opzoeken Hannah MontanaJunglebookCamp RockSonny with a chance What is Miley's real name? opzoeken Brandi GlennDestiny HopeNoah LindseyMiley Ray Where is Miley born? opzoeken NabraskaLondonAmsterdamFranklinNew York What is her favorite color? opzoeken Blue and jellowRed and whitePink and greenBlack and brown For who did miley perform audition by hannah montana the first time? opzoeken Ashley DewittTrace van HornLilly TruscottAmber Addison What is the color of her eyes? opzoeken GreyBlueBrownGreen what does she like to do on a free day? opzoeken SnowboardingDrivingSwinningSkating